ENGLAND PONTICELLO & ST.CLAIR (EPS) is a firm that traces its history of litigation in California over 50 years.  EPS’ roots stem from Judge Susan England, who after private practice in Los Angeles and later a career as a workers’ compensation Judge in Santa Ana and Pomona, established a defense practice in southern California in the 1970’s, at which Barry Ponticello and Renee St.Clair eventually became partners. Later, after her second period on the bench with the San Diego WCAB, Judge England reunited with attorneys Ponticello and St.Clair, this time in 2007 in a new entity, ENGLAND PONTICELLO & ST.CLAIR.

The firm has grown since that time and expanded into its current three offices covering all of southern California.  Collectively, our firm partners alone have over 100 years of workers’ compensation and civil litigation practice experience.  The firm has litigated matters and argued before the United States Supreme Court, California Supreme Court, District Courts of Appeal and the United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit.

EPS works with public entities, self insured employers and carriers on litigation matters. The firm practices workers’ compensation defense (both CA and under the LHWCA), workers’ compensation subrogation, Jones Act and general maritime defense, and general civil litigation at all Southern California WCABs and Superior and Federal Courts. At the request of certain clients, we also provide some services throughout the State of California, and beyond on Federal matters.

EPS continues its principals’ long-standing tradition of public speaking, teaching, in house presentations and counseling of employers in the areas of law in which the firm practices. The firm issues periodic written works which appear on this site and the firm’s blog, englandponticellostclair.org.   Through its collective experience and shared principles, the firm prides itself on its thorough and effective representation that enables it to partner with insurance carriers, self-insured employers and administrators to resolve employment-related issues.
